Tuesday 31 August 2010

Eating Areas in Brunei

Where to Eat

There is good food to be found simply everywhere in Bandar Seri Begawan. The area of the city known as Gerai Makan is a good place to find Malay dishes and delicacies. The food here is served at outdoor stalls and is reasonably priced. The area around the bus station and Brunei Hotel specializes in excellent Indian restaurants. All of the city’s leading hotels have their own restaurants, which serve a wide range of different dishes from around the world.

Local Food

The food stalls located in Jerudong Park are a good place to find cheap and tasty local food. These stalls serve a wide range of dishes such as nasi lemak, which is rice boiled in coconut milk served with anchovy sambal, peanuts, eggs and cucumbers. Another popular dish is turmeric tinted fried noodles known as mee goreng,while lontong is cubes of rice served with sayur lodeh - a vegetable curry made with coconut milk and turmeric.

Western Food

There are a good range of Western restaurants located in the Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Complex. Visitors can choose from McDonalds, KFC, Jollibee and a number of other outlets. Most leading hotels and restaurants also serve a good selection of Western dishes.
The Ayamku Restaurant is the local version of KFC, serving fried chicken, rice and a drink for a very cheap price. Branches of this restaurant can be found in most shopping centers and on streets throughout the city. Located at the riverfront, Frattini’s Restaurant serves a mouth watering range of Italian and Thai dishes.


While few restaurants serve purely vegetarian dishes, many of Bandar Seri Begawan’s restaurants offer a good selection of vegetarian and vegan dishes. There are plenty of Indian restaurants to be found in the city, all of which serve lentil dishes as well as vegetarian curries, breads and side dishes. Restaurants in hotels also serve vegetarian dishes such as soups, sandwiches and French fries. Located at Menglait, the Pureland Vegetarian Restaurant serves a spectacular range of tasty dishes where meat and fish are substituted for tofu. Offering more than 100 strictly vegetarian and vegan dishes, this restaurant gives all profit to charitable causes.

Street Food

Stalls selling cheap and tasty street food can be found all over Bandar Seri Begawan. Food is usually freshly prepared and comes in a range of different styles. Basic dishes such as chicken and rice are good bets, while many street stalls specialize in Indian food.
A great place to find Malay food is at the Taman Bandaraya night market, which is located just off Jalan Tutong. There are a number of stalls specializing in satay and fresh coconut juice along the riverfront, while diners can cross the canal to Tamu Kianggeh to find a wondrous assortment of offerings.

Food Courts

Food courts pop up in all sorts of locations throughout the city. However, the best selections tend to be found in large shopping malls, where there is usually a large food court located on the top floor with more than twenty different stalls serving very cheap food.
One of the most popular food courts can be found in the Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Complex. This food court serves everything from Indian food to traditional Brunei cuisine, all for less than US$2.

Kianggeh Food court, Bandar Seri Begawan

Ketupat Satay

Chicken Satay
The food of Bandar Seri Begawan is an interesting blend of several different culinary styles. Indian food is popular here and there are plenty of restaurants and street stalls selling rich curries, Indian bread and side dishes. While rice and noodles are the staple food, a large number of Malay, Chinese and other dishes find their way onto many menus. There are also a good range of Western style fast food outlets and restaurants offering a selection of Western favorites.

When it comes to eating, just about anything goes. However, food is traditionally eaten using a spoon and fork. People tend to eat together in groups as eating is seen as a social occasion and it is rare to see solo diners in Bandar Seri Begawan.

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